Domestic instantaneous gas water heater Once coking is completed, the doors at both ends of the oven are opened, and a pusher forces the redhot coke out onto a quenching car. 住宅式即热气体热水炉结焦完毕,焦炉两端的炉门打开,用推焦机把红热的焦炭推出,装入熄焦车。
The structure of nozzle and distribution state of coke in quenching car are discussed. Meanwhile, the coking quality is improved through using large-flow nozzles device. 探讨了喷嘴的结构,焦炭在熄焦车内的分布情况,采用大流量喷嘴装置,改善了焦炭的质量。
Cuting Tools for Dry Machining ANTI-CORROSION OF COKE QUENCHING CAR 干切削加工刀具熄焦机的腐蚀防护
Several Problems about Designing the Coke Dry Quenching Rotary Coke Bucket Car 干熄焦旋转焦罐车设计中的几个问题
ANTI-CORROSION OF COKE QUENCHING CAR Discussion on China's Machine Coke Capacity 熄焦机的腐蚀防护关于我国机焦能力的商榷
The successful rate of one spot positioning of coke oven machine is greater than 98%, the manless operation is realized on the quenching car. 机车一次定位成功率大于98%,熄焦车实现了无人驾驶。